Union says Ford government needs to do five things to get schools ready to open again

Monsef to encourage mentorship, growing local economy at upcoming Lindsay event

Mentorship helped shape Maryam Monsef many years ago – and now the former federal minister is encouraging local business leaders… Continue reading “Monsef to encourage mentorship, growing local economy at upcoming Lindsay event”

The impact of the Ontario Basic Income Pilot on community health and engagement in Lindsay

By Emma Sonnemann In a partnership with Trent University’s Community Research Centre, The Lindsay Advocate has been working with the… Continue reading “The impact of the Ontario Basic Income Pilot on community health and engagement in Lindsay”

City blames wet spring and summer for weedy lilac gardens at Lindsay’s Logie Park

Strolling the hardscape pathway through the memorial lilacs of Logie Park, residents may find a legacy that falls short of… Continue reading “City blames wet spring and summer for weedy lilac gardens at Lindsay’s Logie Park”

Mortgage mayhem

Mortgages in Canada coming due in 2024 are equal in value to the annual Gross Domestic Product of New Zealand…. Continue reading “Mortgage mayhem”

RMH Thankful Hearts Walk supports cardiac/pulmonary care

Sandra Stevens was referred to Ross Memorial’s cardiac/pulmonary rehabilitation program after being diagnosed with heart failure and atrial fibrillation, an… Continue reading “RMH Thankful Hearts Walk supports cardiac/pulmonary care”

Municipal leaders support ‘Solve the Crisis’ campaign to address homelessness and mental health

Representing 230 municipalities and over 2.6 million people across Ontario, the Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus, Western Ontario Wardens’ Caucus, and… Continue reading “Municipal leaders support ‘Solve the Crisis’ campaign to address homelessness and mental health”

Pinnguaq hosting Level-Up Summer Street Festival

Lindsay’s downtown will be abuzz later this month as Pinnguaq welcomes the public to their Level-Up Summer Street Festival, complete… Continue reading “Pinnguaq hosting Level-Up Summer Street Festival”