Letters to the Editor

City warns woman not to feed the squirrels in her yard


A bylaw officer visited my home recently to advise my husband and I of a complaint about us feeding wildlife…. Continue reading “City warns woman not to feed the squirrels in her yard”

Local service provider for dementia and Alzheimer’s upset with lack of support


I am writing again to express my deep frustration with the ongoing lack of support and follow-through from our local… Continue reading “Local service provider for dementia and Alzheimer’s upset with lack of support”

More transportation options available in the 50s than now


(Re: Social services plan laid out to support those in need over the next four years, online Advocate.) If reliable… Continue reading “More transportation options available in the 50s than now”

Readers respond to May editorial (‘Flato investments have helped community’)


Not to be rude, but the advertising in your publication would help with this editorial on Flato? (Flato investments have… Continue reading “Readers respond to May editorial (‘Flato investments have helped community’)”

Fenelon Falls Sign with locks in the background

We don’t want Fenelon Falls to be a ‘dying town’


Re: Making Fenelon Falls bigger is not what reader wants (March Advocate). Doing things well is the answer, not hiding… Continue reading “We don’t want Fenelon Falls to be a ‘dying town’”

Rabgey family appreciates Advocate support


Re: Building a stronger future for Tibet (April Advocate). On behalf of our family and everyone part of the Machik… Continue reading “Rabgey family appreciates Advocate support”

Heat pump better than Enbridge option, says reader


Re: Kawartha Lakes should support a healthy environment, not Enbridge (March Advocate). My wife and I took advantage of the… Continue reading “Heat pump better than Enbridge option, says reader”