MP Schmale gets Natural Resources focus
Local MP Jamie Schmale was appointed by the Leader of the Official Opposition Andrew Scheer as Deputy Shadow Minister for… Continue reading “MP Schmale gets Natural Resources focus”

Teaching math: ‘We have lost sight of the need for balance,’ says director of education
The director of education for Trillium Lakelands District School Board, Larry Hope, is calling for more balance in the curriculum… Continue reading “Teaching math: ‘We have lost sight of the need for balance,’ says director of education”

Local labour leader sees progress but says work isn’t yet done
James Mulhern, president of the Lindsay and District Labour Council, remembers the old Labour Day picnics they used to hold… Continue reading “Local labour leader sees progress but says work isn’t yet done”

School board would like more students to stay in Kawartha Lakes after graduation
Larry Hope hears the increasing cry from employers in Kawartha Lakes who say they need more skilled people for the… Continue reading “School board would like more students to stay in Kawartha Lakes after graduation”

City clerk retires after 35 years
Judy Currins will be missed by many as she retires after serving the City of Kawartha Lakes for more than… Continue reading “City clerk retires after 35 years”

Free job and post-secondary readiness at Lindsay library
Contact North will be promoting upcoming fall and winter online programs and courses at Kawartha Lakes Public Library’s Lindsay branch… Continue reading “Free job and post-secondary readiness at Lindsay library”

Weldon student wins high school business plan competition
Meg Kitchen of I.E. Weldon Secondary School won top honours and $500 in the 2017 recently in the Kawartha Lakes… Continue reading “Weldon student wins high school business plan competition”