
Lindsay: The kindest town around

Boiling Over takes a month to decide how to fully react to minimum wage increase

Boiling Over’s Coffee Vault, the popular independent coffee shop at Kent and Cambridge Streets in Lindsay, is taking a month… Continue reading “Boiling Over takes a month to decide how to fully react to minimum wage increase”

Highway 7 expansion great idea, say business leaders, Omemee resident

It was less than a year ago when Miranda Popovic and her father were rear-ended trying to make a left-hand… Continue reading “Highway 7 expansion great idea, say business leaders, Omemee resident”

Minimum wage increase stings, says Olympia Restaurant, Home Hardware

Lindsay and District Labour Council leader says minimum wage should never have been frozen in the first place. Nicki Dedes… Continue reading “Minimum wage increase stings, says Olympia Restaurant, Home Hardware”

Dream of a wider Highway 7 for Lindsay, Peterborough, and beyond inches forward

Dream of a wider Highway 7 for Lindsay, Peterborough, and beyond inches forward

When politicians dream, they dream in roads. They dream of roads connecting cities and towns (especially their cities and towns)… Continue reading “Dream of a wider Highway 7 for Lindsay, Peterborough, and beyond inches forward”

Of passion and pastries: Mickaël’s Café Librairie in Lindsay

Imagine a French bakery. A boulangerie.  There are racks of warm baguettes and country loaves with slightly blistered crusts. And… Continue reading “Of passion and pastries: Mickaël’s Café Librairie in Lindsay”

Prepare Kawartha Lakes students as they do in Tokyo, Riyadh and London

The Canadian economy exists on two key tenants — resource extraction and manufacturing.  But both are in trouble. Given most… Continue reading “Prepare Kawartha Lakes students as they do in Tokyo, Riyadh and London”