Why isn’t Scott facing questions, reader asks

PC candidate Laurie Scott sure must love the perks and adventures of life at Queen’s Park. Even after being bounced out of a Cabinet portfolio in record time, here she is again asking for our votes.
Being a so-called ‘safe’ Tory riding that invariably sends PC candidates to the Ontario Legislature has its pros and cons. Many terms back, we had a top-notch MPP in Chris Hodgson. Influential and a local legend, he was one of the few bright spots in the god awful Mike Harris regime. In Scott, on the other hand, we have a lame duck candidate who doesn’t know when it’s time to move on.
The ridings that get the most attention from governments are those where election results are close and MPPS have to perform well or else meet their doom. As long as we keep flocking to the Tory camp, our region will be neglected and taken for granted.
I note in closing that Scott couldn’t bring herself to face questioning at the recent debate organized by the Advocate. She must have been out canvassing in culverts and open fields, where election signs so far show her to be a runaway favourite!
–K. Makin, Haliburton
Well stated! She has been a photo-op MPP only! Shame on her for not participating in debates!
Laurie has brought a wealth of grants and funding to this riding and continues to do so!! Missing one candidate meeting is not the end of the world!! There are lots of photos of Laurie because she gets things done.