Soon 40 will be the new 50 on area roads

By Lindsay Advocate

All community speed zones in Lindsay will be changed from 50km/h to 40km/h.

In October 2021, the municipality launched the Community Area Speed Limit (“40 is the new 50”) project to help improve motorist, cyclist and pedestrian safety on our roads, according to a media release from the city.

Phase one of the project was completed in November 2022 in rural areas.

Phase two of the project, which focuses on urban community speed zones, started on June 5 in Lindsay. All community speed zones in Lindsay will be changed from 50km/h to 40km/h.

View the preliminary map of the Lindsay roads being changed over; all roads marked in red will to be reduced to 40km/h pending site specific investigations. Please note that the actual speed areas may differ from those shown on the map. Some additions or omissions could occur. Speed signage may only occur at the entrance/exits of communities. Internal roads with speed limits of 40km/h will not be individually signed.

Changes to the Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls community speed zones will follow once Lindsay has been completed. Maps for those changes are available on our Community Area Speed Limit project page.

Community Area Speed Limit project background
The Community Area Speed Limit project came forward as a result of changes to the Highway Traffic Act which gave Council new options in managing and creating speed zones on municipal roads.

The municipality currently enforces a speed by-law for designated areas within towns, villages, settlement areas and hamlets known as “community speed zones” that outline a speed limit of 50km/h. Through the project, these community speed zones have been or are being reduced down to 40km/h.

Phase one of the project began with changes to the rural community speed zones in Kawartha Lakes. It was completed in November 2022 with the Bethany, Burnt River, Coboconk, Kinmount, Kirkfield, Little Britain, Manilla, Norland, Oakwood, Omemee, Pontypool, Janetville, Seagrave, Sonya, Victoria Road and Woodville community speed zones changing from 50km/h to 40km/h.

Which roads will be affected by the new speed limits?
Phase one featured 16 of our rural communities receiving updated community speed zones. Phase two will feature our three urban areas (Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls and Lindsay) receiving updated community speed zones. Each community, including a map of all roads impacted, can be found on the Community Area Speed Limit project page.

When will the new speed limits be enforced?

As soon as the signs are installed and visible on the road, the new speed limits become enforceable. Kawartha Lakes Police and OPP have been notified of the impacted areas and will be supporting the project through enforcement and education.

Are all roads within the community going to be reduced down to 40km/h?
No, only roads marked with red on the maps provided will be reduced down to 40. The new speed limit signs being installed indicate where the 40km/h limit begins and where it ends. Drivers need to keep an eye out for the marked signage to know where the speed limit changes for impacted areas.

How will I be notified of changes to my community?
Updates will be provided through Kawartha Lakes news outlets, like the Advocate, when new community signs are being installed. Be sure to follow the municipality on Facebook and Twitter, sign up to receive email updates directly to your inbox and check the municipality’s website for any changes to the project’s schedule.

How to order a 40 is the new 50 lawn sign?
In addition, the campaign includes lawn signs that residents can request to help notify other drivers in their area of the changes and also serve as a reminder to slow down in community areas. To request a sign, please visit the project page and complete the online form.


  1. Ed says:

    Council and Police reducing the speed limit from 50 KPH to 40KPH is almost laughable if it wasn’t so sad. The police don’t enforce the 50KPH so what makes you think they will enforce 40? I live in a nice area near Adelaide Place and the joke around here is 80KPH is the new 50. Mary Str. has a nickname the “Mary Street DRAGSTRIP” . Not once have I seen any speed limit enforced and on a similar note vehicles failing to stop at the four way stop. Who is going to pay for the new signage and the labour to erect the signs? Of course TAXPAYERS!!! Does our ‘new ‘ council and mayor actually think of what they are doing or do they just nod and smile. Look at what we are doing taxpayers. Wasting your tax dollars!!!

  2. Craig Black says:

    Yes this is a waste of taxpayer money changing the signs. Most of the streets in the villages like Coboconk are in such bad shape that few can drive 50 anyway. Why dont they spend the money on fixing the streets but that is much too difficult for the CKL

  3. George Meyer says:

    What about 70 is the new 80 on dirt back roads like Quaker Road.
    Many use it as a bypass to Lindsay instead of Hwy #7 .
    They fly by at 100 km or better on a regular basis.
    Not to mention the reduced chance of getting pulled over for drunk driving.
    Ditch is lettered with not just a few cans but whole cakes…..

  4. Dick Kearns says:

    With the increasing congestion on our streets and the large number of new homes being built it is already impossible to travel at 40kph so the cost us totally silly. The worst traffic is all of us being forced to go to Peterborough for our shopping needs soon Highway 7 will be stop and go traffic between Lindsay and Peterborough even without construction delays.

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