Parents: Pinnguaq providing free coding classes at library all summer

By Roderick Benns

Kevin Karyak and Jasper Pootoogook work during a teach session in Baker Lake, Nunavut, March 2017.

Want to give your child knowledge of coding? Lindsay’s Pinnguaq Association is offering free coding classes at the Lindsay Public Library this summer.

Pinnguaq was created as a not-for-profit, Pangnirtung, Nunavut-based technology company with a desire to see strong programming education available in Inuktitut, the Inuit language. Their te(a)ch program is a made-in-Nunavut curriculum and learning series for Northerners. Pinnguaq has an office in Lindsay, though, and is looking to give back to the community with their work.

The courses will be starting on July 13, providing three-hour classes until August 17. The classes will be run by the staff from the Pinnguaq office in Lindsay.

Te(a)ch classes and dates from Pinnguaq:

Introduction to Coding (Ages 5-9) (July 10, 1-4 pm): This is our complete introduction to coding for new users from ages 5-9. Using Scratch, you can program your own stories, games, and animations and even share them with others on the online community forum.

Pixel Art (July 31, 1-4 pm): Our te(a)ch program teaches students the very basics of what pixel art is and how to create it, using a freeware program called GIMP. The basic tools and functions of image manipulation software will be discussed and students will learn what tools are best used to create classes 2D game or application graphics.

Minecraft (August 10, 1-4 pm): Minecraft is a sandbox game, where a player creates the game themselves by manipulating the world within it, just like a kid playing in the sand. In this course we will teach the basics of modifying Minecraft, working with redstone and unlocking the full potential of Minecraft.

Twine (Recommended Ages 10+) (August 3, 1-4 pm): We will learn to tell interactive stories through TWINE and utilize the power of this engine to create original narrative games and explore the potential for games as narrative devices.

Game Design (August 17, 1-4 pm): Learn how rules, environment, dialogue and structure mold the games we play both on screens and in real life. Have you ever wondered why or how something looks the way it does in your favourite video game? In this course we will explore what makes games fun by dismantling some of the most popular games in the world and then rebuilding them.

Introduction to Coding (Ages 10-15) (July 13, 20, 27th 1-4 pm): This is our introduction to coding for people the ages of 10-15. Coding is what makes it possible for us to create computer software, apps, the websites you use everyday, or the video games you play. Everything you use on your computer or smartphone is made up of code. We will use Scratch and explore coding for an older age group and see how far we can push an understanding of coding.

To register for a class, call the library at 705-324-9411 ext. 1332.

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