Local podcast examines importance of legal – and emotional – counsel for uncoupling parents

By Lindsay Advocate

Lisa Greci, a registered clinical social worker, is featured on the latest episode of Wards Legal Matters.

It’s easy to get bogged down, and downright confused, with statistics related to divorce and separation.

Yes, divorce rates have dropped in the past 35 years. But those numbers can deceive, since many couples are choosing not to get married.

What is unquestionable, though, is the stress that couples – whether married or living common-law – endure when they choose to separate. When those partners share children, the split is that much more fraught with anxiety, sadness, anger – and the unknown.

How and why uncoupling parents design that post-separation road map, in the best interest of their children, is explored in the latest episode of Wards Legal Matters. “This is such big part of our work here,” explains Melissa Wemyss, CEO of Wards Lawyers and executive producer of its monthly podcast. “And the parties involved, understandably, typically each come to us with their own roller coaster of emotions.” So, while the first part of the episode features a comprehensive interview with law clerk Sam Drebit on drawing up that post-separation parenting plan, the second half offers counsel on what both parties should consider before sitting down with a legal team.

Wemyss and producer/host Denis Grignon found that expert in Lisa Greci, a registered clinical social worker, who relocated to Kawartha Lakes about three years ago, and specializes in counselling those going through difficult life transitions – like a separation when there are young children in the mix.

“Each situation is unique…each person’s process takes a different amount of time,” explains Greci in the episode titled ‘When Couples with Kids Uncouple.’ But, she points out, there are commonalities for most any couple going through a separation. “Be mindful of the grief process,” says Greci, who also specializes in trauma therapy. “And know that you’re not alone….that this happens to lots of people.”

Wards Legal Matters is available wherever you find your favourites podcasts and via wardlegal.ca.

Lisa Greci can be contacted at grecicounselling.com.

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