EQAO results show local students struggling, especially Grade 3

Local Grade 3 EQAO results from the Education Quality and Assessment Office (EQAO) show a drop in all three assessment areas — reading, writing, and math. Reading and writing results in Grade 6 are holding steady, indicating a slight decline of one per cent in math, just as the provincial results also dropped by one per cent in Grade 6 math.
“It is important to maintain our standard of high expectations for our students and we will continue a concentrated effort to improve math results,” says Trillium Lakelands District School Board Director of Education, Larry Hope. “Our math programs, augmented this year with a renewed focus on fundamentals, will be closely monitored for impact on student achievement.”
Ongoing attention on math at TLDSB includes a focus on students with special needs for both Grade 3 and Grade 6 math. The board will continue to place emphasis on professional development in math, and allow teachers to make classroom changes that are connected to student assessment information.
Eighty-three per cent of Grade 9 TLDSB academic level students achieved levels 3 and 4 in math. TLDSB students at the applied level continue to achieve at levels 3 and 4 at a higher rate than the provincial average.
The board is currently piloting programs in secondary schools that are focused on key math skills using a new diagnostic tool.
“Our commitment to high levels of student achievement will not waver,” says Chairperson Louise Clodd.
“Our staff, administrators, and system leaders are dedicated to improvements in learning for all of our students.”
TLDSB will continue to build on these results in the future by staying focused on the goals outlined in the Multi-Year Strategic Plan, ‘Embrace Learning’. More information on results may be found on the EQAO website.