Opinion Columns

Return to a post-secondary education during COVID-19

In August of 2014, I sat in my bedroom scrolling through the Trent University website, nervously selecting courses for the… Continue reading “Return to a post-secondary education during COVID-19”

Former PM John Turner and the Arctic Youth Corp

The South Nahanni River is one of the world’s great waterways. At 563 km long it snakes through the Selwyn… Continue reading “Former PM John Turner and the Arctic Youth Corp”

Benns’ Belief: Cherish our history, welcome new ways

My best friend in my elementary school years was, to my knowledge, from the only Indian family in Lindsay —… Continue reading “Benns’ Belief: Cherish our history, welcome new ways”

Mental health has suffered during pandemic but help is available

Every year approximately 4,000 Canadians die by suicide, averaging nearly 11 people every single day. Suicide has been an issue… Continue reading “Mental health has suffered during pandemic but help is available”

Long-term care group commends local MPP for new funding for residents

Pandemic has proven we’re a caring society; government budgets should reflect this

Michael Wesch, a cultural anthropologist and professor, says there are three main questions that unite all of humanity. “What am… Continue reading “Pandemic has proven we’re a caring society; government budgets should reflect this”

Benns’ Belief: We must resist the U.S. cultural assault

One of the most irritating things I used to come across regularly in magazines was ads for U.S.-based products with… Continue reading “Benns’ Belief: We must resist the U.S. cultural assault”

White privilege and white fragility: Trevor’s Take

The very first article I wrote for this publication, months before it would have a print version, dealt in part… Continue reading “White privilege and white fragility: Trevor’s Take”