
Are the kids alright? Youth mental health in Kawartha Lakes
You are driving past a school play yard and you see thirty kids playing on the school field at recess…. Continue reading “Are the kids alright? Youth mental health in Kawartha Lakes”

Ryan Alexander: It’s about quality of life at all stages of life
Death is an uncomfortable subject. Many of us shy away from talking about it. Not Ryan Alexander, though: as Manager… Continue reading “Ryan Alexander: It’s about quality of life at all stages of life”

Community Dental Clinic provides affordable dentistry for all ages
April is traditionally known as Oral Health Month in Canada. It’s just one of the times of year when the… Continue reading “Community Dental Clinic provides affordable dentistry for all ages”

Sign up for basic income until April 16: ED of Mincome recalls success of 1970s project
Groceries, a winter coat, a truck for the family business. These might not seem like luxuries to those of us… Continue reading “Sign up for basic income until April 16: ED of Mincome recalls success of 1970s project”

Lindsay’s opioid challenge: Coordinated effort working to help those affected
Ask anyone involved in front-line health care in Lindsay, and they will tell you the same thing: opioid overdoses in… Continue reading “Lindsay’s opioid challenge: Coordinated effort working to help those affected”

Hospice core training: A volunteer opportunity
Caring and compassion have always been trademark qualities of the many people who volunteer with the Community Care Health and… Continue reading “Hospice core training: A volunteer opportunity”

Visitor restrictions expanded at Ross Memorial in wake of outbreak
The Ross Memorial Hospital has expanded visitor restrictions to include the first floor of the Continuing Care Program after several… Continue reading “Visitor restrictions expanded at Ross Memorial in wake of outbreak”