Lindsay X-Ray and Ultrasound

By Lindsay Advocate

Lindsay X-Ray and Ultrasound is now working with the Peterborough vascular surgeons Dr. Cox and Dr. Clouthier who are reporting all vascular cases, while the radiologists Dr. Selina Lem and Dr. James Haroun do reporting for all other cases.

Lindsay X-Ray and Ultrasound believes with their experienced group of doctors they can provide the City of Kawartha Lakes a revolutionary service which better meets people’s needs.

Located in the heart of Lindsay’s downtown area, it is a service to better meet the needs of the community for faster results and faster treatment, providing 24 hour reporting to your doctor.

All x-ray needs are walk in ready and ultrasounds may be booked Tuesdays and Thursdays. The team is devoted to helping others at their facility in the Kent Place Mall, and their passionate employees will strive to assist in every way possible.

Find out more about them at or reach them at (705) 328-2400.