Opinion Columns

A personal note from the publisher about The Lindsay Advocate
It has been four short months since The Lindsay Advocate launched and it feels like we already belong here. For… Continue reading “A personal note from the publisher about The Lindsay Advocate”

Lindsay basic income pilot: Mental health, resilience will surely improve
Basic income open enrollment sessions begin this week here in Lindsay. If you haven’t registered and you think you might… Continue reading “Lindsay basic income pilot: Mental health, resilience will surely improve”

Basic income panel talks about hope, human rights, and the choice we make to allow poverty
While a panel discussion about basic income was happening in Lindsay last Friday, there was a three-hour line-up to sign… Continue reading “Basic income panel talks about hope, human rights, and the choice we make to allow poverty”

Desire or pressure: What motivates us to get out of bed and work?
Three days ago, we ran a story called ‘Mariposa Dairy struggles to find young adults who want to work five… Continue reading “Desire or pressure: What motivates us to get out of bed and work?”

Hank, the starfish, and the poverty in front of us
One day, a man was walking along a beach that was littered with thousands of starfish that had been washed… Continue reading “Hank, the starfish, and the poverty in front of us”

Free public discussion on basic income at Fleming College
The Ontario Basic Income Network (OBIN) is hosting a free public discussion on basic income in early November at Fleming… Continue reading “Free public discussion on basic income at Fleming College”
All my changes were there: The teacher and Canadian nationalism
My friend, John Boyko, says Canada is a conversation. In his blog he was referring to how we tend to… Continue reading “All my changes were there: The teacher and Canadian nationalism”