Women’s Institute defining care at RMH
Since their inception, Women’s Institutes have focused their efforts to improve the health and safety of their communities. True to this mission, the Women’s Institutes that form the Victoria West District have donated funds raised through their initiatives to local organizations and efforts that benefit a great number of people.
Following its annual Fall Craft Sale in Cambray, the Victoria West District Women’s Institute voted to direct $300 from the proceeds to support the ‘Defining Care’ Spring Appeal, which is raising funds to purchase new X-Ray equipment for the Diagnostic Imaging department.
Today, District WI President Mary Jane Connell, Secretary Sharon DeBeau, Public Relations Officer Marilyn Graves and Treasurer Beryl Connell presented a cheque to RMH Foundation Executive Director Erin Coons.
“The local Women’s Institutes have been defining care at Ross Memorial since its doors first opened more than 115 years ago,” says Coons. “The members of the Victoria West District are steadfast in their support of local health initiatives, including so many fundraising efforts at the Ross Memorial. We’re honoured to receive their support.”
The Victoria West District Women’s Institute is comprised of the North Emily and Lorneville/Argyle branches of the WI. There are 45 members in total.