Who needs workplace wellness? Optimize Wellness says we all do

By Lindsay Advocate

Workplace Wellness programs are on the rise because they have been proven to improve employee productivity. This commitment to employee well-being can be injected into any type of work setting, from office to manufacturing. Employees today need more from their employers and workplace wellness programs are the answer.

The experts at Optimize Wellness Solutions — owners Rochelle Malley and Dana Burtt — will analyze and provide a custom program that delivers to the needs of a company and the employees. Better nutrition, incorporating more daily exercise, having healthy competition challenges, and working as a team are some of the things that they focus on.

For the employee this means eating better, aiming for a healthy weight, less stress, and more energy in order to spend time with family and do more outdoor activities like hiking, biking and canoeing.

For the employer this means reduced absenteeism, increased presenteeism, a more energized work atmosphere with increased productivity and kindness.

Optimize Wellness Solutions thrives on helping others, so that they can thrive too. They work with organizations large and small who believe in the importance of providing a healthy and supportive work environment. Speak to one of their experts to discover what workplace wellness can look like for you by calling 705-821-1348 or visit www.optimizewellnesssolutions.ca.

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