We need to know where and how COVID-19 is spreading
An open letter to Dr. Lynn Noseworthy, medical officer of health for the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit.
Dear Dr. Noseworthy:
Now that the cases in HKPR regions are starting to climb, it would be helpful if you would have a stronger presence locally, so that we will not lose our flat COVID curve.
We, the public, need more information. For example, we need to know where in this huge geographic region the new cases are happening. We need to know the context: PSWs on the front line of care? Grocery stores? Workplace? Home gatherings?
We also need to review the science and keep that forefront. For example, I understand that the library is still quarantining books and materials for three days. Is that really necessary any more, when so many other things (items in a store) don’t require the same attention?
Some people are still obsessively cleaning their own homes. I, personally, have avoided having my son’s PSW come for some of his care, since PSWs have multiple clients, and I’m not sure I can fully trust the measures in place for such situations. Are there preventative measures that should be strengthened and other measures relaxed?
Except for the tragedy of Pinecrest nursing home, we have managed to keep COVID at bay here. But we know from other communities, that can change in a few days or weeks. People and businesses here are showing consideration for their neighbours by wearing masks and observing restrictions. But we all have our guard down, because we are not confronting COVID as people are in other communities.
I completed the survey on your website, which I understood to be a way for you to receive feedback about how to improve as a health unit. I found very few questions related to such feedback.
Yesterday I was a caller on CBC Ontario Today’s phone-in, on Ontario’s COVID-19 track record. I spoke about our experience here in Kawartha Lakes and said that the issue of trust and accountability of our public health system was problematic. You can listen to it here if you like.
HKPR is a large region. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could continue our “Green” position through due diligence and insightful words from our public health authority? Your leadership would be most welcome.
Diane Engelstad, Fenelon Falls