Volunteer Recognition Dinner: KL Sport and Rec Council

Volunteers rarely seek recognition. But the Kawartha Lakes Sport and Recreation Council (KLSRC) knows how much they contribute to the sport and recreation community in Kawartha Lakes.
Think of that favourite coach that helped build your confidence or that always reliable volunteer willing to take on any task or the behind the scenes board members who keep organizations viable and progressive. And then tell us about those individuals by nominating them for a Volunteer of the Year Award so they can be recognized on November 6th, at KLSRC’s 5th Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner at the Lindsay Golf and Country Club.
Nomination categories include coach/trainer, board/organizational volunteer, and active recreation/community volunteer. There will also be a Volunteer Organization of the Year category.
Previous award winners include:
Volunteer – Ivan Goodhand, Allyssa Adams, and Stephen Hayma
Organization – Optimist Club of Lindsay
Volunteer – Pat Staneland, Patty Tomlinson, and Darryl Buttar
Organization – OPS Minor Baseball
Volunteer – Kevin Tysiak, Lori Grills, and Bernice Mitchell
Organization – Lindsay Wildcats Basketball
Volunteer – Tom Jeffrey, Chris O’Neill, and Steve Blodgett
Organization – Lindsay Unites
While the event serves to bring awareness to and provide recognition of the hard work, time, and energy that volunteers contribute, it also provides an opportunity to focus on a particular benefit of sport and recreation within the community. This year, the theme of the evening is Sport and Recreation Across the Lifespan – to reflect the importance of staying active at all ages, and to highlight the KLSRC partners who support CKL residents to do so. KLSRC members will provide updates of key projects from this past year, communicate their direction for the next twelve months, and highlight the KLSRC Supporter and Membership programs that offer options to join in with KLSRC to help create a community that is active for life.
To nominate an individual for Volunteer of the Year or a sport and recreation provider for Volunteer Organization of the Year, or to learn more about the KLSRC, please contact Coordinator Dennis Geelen at . Deadline for nominations is September 30, 2019.