Update on downtown parking strategy — to be complete by year’s end

By Lindsay Advocate

Council approves study for downtown parking

At the July 16 Council meeting, Council and staff received an update on the Downtown Parking Strategy for Lindsay, Fenelon Falls and Bobcaygeon that was launched in late 2018.

The purpose of the presentation was to provide a touch point for Council to learn of the study’s progress to date. IBI Group brought forward data gathered since the study commenced, including key findings and common themes heard from the public and stakeholders.

IBI Group reported that public and stakeholder input received to date indicates that paid parking, or an increase to parking fees, is not generally supported. There is also indication that a parking garage or similar structure would not be positively received by a majority of residents and business owners.

Winter and spring parking utilization surveys conducted by IBI Group indicate that existing parking supply is accommodating peak demand in all three communities. IBI Group will conduct a final round of utilization surveys this summer.

IBI Group will also continue to collect public input for the study through their online survey and crowdsourcing map, both available on the City  website until August 31, 2019. A second round of public and stakeholder meetings will be scheduled later this year in each of the communities to present preliminary recommendations and receive further input.

“Our recommendations need to consider available options and their costs in order to determine the optimal solution for each downtown area,” stated Peter Richards, Associate Director-Practice Lead, Transportation Engineering for IBI Group. “We are working towards a solution that best fits the needs and interests of each of the three communities under examination.”

The Downtown Parking Strategy will be completed by year end. A presentation will be delivered to Council in early 2020.


  1. Mike Puffer says:

    “Surveys indicate that existing parking supply is accommodating peak demand” – really? When and where were these surveys conducted?

  2. John gibb says:

    Down town parking in Lindsay has become much worse since the city took out meters. Down town parking has the same vehicles in the same spots every day, all day.
    Let’s get a plan that works that only those parking pay the piper.
    Not tax dollars

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