Thanksgiving food drive hosted by Food Source

Last year, in the middle of the pandemic, Kawartha Lakes Food Source (KLFS) had to rethink how food donations were gathered.
A porch pick-up drive that spanned the entire town of Lindsay was held. That support helped our member food banks weather what had been a very busy year. Once more, Kawartha Lakes Food Source is in need of help as inventory stocks run lower and lower in response to high numbers of food bank visits.
Last years’ Thanksgiving Door-to-Door Food Drive collected over 5,300 pounds of non-perishable food items, a goal we hope to reach and exceed in 2021. With our member food banks seeing an increase in client visits over the month of August, our distribution centre inventory has dipped very low. To meet the anticipated need, this Thanksgiving Door-to-Door Food Drive is extremely important.
The Thanksgiving Door-to-Door Food Drive will take place on Saturday, September 25 and Saturday, October 2 between 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. The town of Lindsay will be split in half along Colborne Street, same as last year.
All homes located on Colborne Street and north of Colborne Street will be picked up on Saturday September 25, while all homes south of Colborne Street will be picked up Saturday, October 2. On your designated day, we ask donors to leave your donation in a plastic bag and in a visible location on your porch before 10:00 am. Volunteers will then safely gather your donation before 12 pm.
Last year, south Lindsay won the impromptu competition to see which side of town could donate the most, raising over 3,000 lbs.
To residents able to donate, the distribution centre is running low on nearly everything. There are a variety of items that would be very much appreciated: canned meats like ham, chicken or turkey; canned cranberries; boxed stuffing; boxed or canned potatoes; and canned veggies like peas, corn or carrots.
For more information on when you can expect your donation to be picked up, or for information on how to donate financially, should that feel more comfortable, you can contact Kate at Kawartha Lakes Food Source. Reach her at , by calling 705-324-0707 or you can watch their Facebook and Instagram, @KawarthaLakesFoodSource, for updates.
“We aim to make sure that everyone has a Thanksgiving free of hunger despite the recent challenges.” – Kate Dorotheou, Community Engagement Coordinator.