Talks on rural domestic violence in Manilla, Cannington
Domestic violence is something that we have all heard of but often do not know what to do when we or someone we care about is a victim.
Domestic violence in rural areas presents special challenges such as isolation, distances to travel, lack of resources, etc. This talk by Paola di Paolo helps to identify the signs of domestic violence and provides information on how we can help. Hand-outs will be available.
Paola di Paolo lives on a farm in Woodville and is completing her masters degree in sociology. She has designed this project in conjunction with the community advocacy group, Neighbours, Friends, and Families from London, Ontario.
Outreach talks will be held April 18 as part of the Food for Thought luncheon series at Manilla hall, 16990 Simcoe St., Manilla. Speakers begin at 10 am. Admission for luncheon is $7.00 RSVP to 705 357 3637.
On April 25 another talk will be held at Nourish and Development Hub, 16 York St, Cannington , from 7-9 pm. This talk is free admission.