Advocate team member to emcee federal government webinar on financial literacy for students

Drug poisoning hospitalization rates in Kawartha Lakes higher than provincial average
A drug poisoning crisis driven by unregulated, synthetic opioids are posing significant health challenges to local residents. Kate Hall, Vidya… Continue reading “Drug poisoning hospitalization rates in Kawartha Lakes higher than provincial average”

Sparkle & Swagger event to support high school athletics in Kawartha Lakes
High school is a time for students to try new things, and athletics plays a vital role in shaping those… Continue reading “Sparkle & Swagger event to support high school athletics in Kawartha Lakes”

Malcolm Quigley announces candidacy for Ward 5
Malcolm Quigley has recently joined the list of candidates running for Kawartha Lakes Council in the upcoming Ward 5 byelection…. Continue reading “Malcolm Quigley announces candidacy for Ward 5”

Early polls have Progressive Conservatives cruising to re-election
– Analysis – With the release of a slew of public opinion polls late last week, it is now clear… Continue reading “Early polls have Progressive Conservatives cruising to re-election”

City pleased with rollout of organics program
Heather Dzurko, manager of waste management for Kawartha Lakes, is pleased with public acceptance and participation in the first few… Continue reading “City pleased with rollout of organics program”

Tom Regina nominated as Ontario Greens candidate in Haliburton– Kawartha Lakes–Brock
Tom Regina has been nominated as the Ontario Greens’ candidate for Haliburton–Kawartha Lakes–Brock in the upcoming provincial election. As a… Continue reading “Tom Regina nominated as Ontario Greens candidate in Haliburton– Kawartha Lakes–Brock”

Council moves forward with climate change strategy
By a vote of 4-2, council supported an application to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Local Leadership for Climate… Continue reading “Council moves forward with climate change strategy”