Students can begin retrieving personal belongings from schools
Students will get one last look at their schools, if needed, as Trillium Lakelands District School Board moved to give limited access to schools for staff and students starting today.
When schools were closed in March due to the pandemic, many students left behind hundreds of dollars worth of personal possessions in their classrooms, school assigned lockers or cubbies.
According to minutes of the meeting issued to the press “planning is now taking place to allow students to retrieve personal belongings. These plans will be finalized and shared with principals this week so that the orderly and safe retrieval of items from schools can take place beginning the week of June 1.”
The board adds, “The TLDSB plan for retrieval of belongings is currently being reviewed by local public health, and is in step with provincial plans.”
The board also shares that “teachers are now permitted on a voluntary basis to instruct from their classrooms using strict protocols approved by public health. This is an option for teachers who are finding teaching from home difficult due to their own circumstances.”
Regarding how the emergency distance learning put in place in March will be evaluated and graded, the board said “it continues to await assessment and evaluation clarification from the Ministry of Education, and are optimistic there will be information coming forward this week.”
The board also provided some guidance on the issue of graduation plans. The board shares “that while there will be no proms this year, each school has determined how graduates will be honoured and celebrated safely.”
Parents or students requiring more information, contact your home school or the board office at 705-324-6776.