Special Olympics seeking volunteers
Sports Advocate

By Amy McDonald

Members of the local Special Olympics programs are continuing their winning ways with great opportunities to represent Kawartha Lakes. Local five-pin bowler Steven Pyke was recently selected to the Team Ontario for Special Olympics Canada National Winter Games held in Calgary where he came home with a bronze medal for his efforts and a silver medal for Team Ontario.
In January, the Lindsay Hard Rockers Curling team took two teams to Funspiel hosted by SOO-Muskoka at Gravenhurst Curling Club. Both teams returned home with medals.
Teagan McDonald, who has been swimming since she was an infant, is training with our local Lightningbolts Swim Club as she prepares for the Special Olympics Ontario Provincial Spring Games to be held in Waterloo this May.
Come summer, the softball program will be looking to round out its coaching squad. Bocce, golf, soccer or track and field could be offered with sufficient volunteers. Special Olympics volunteers aren’t required to have extensive sport-specific knowledge, but a desire to help others and give back. For more information about becoming a volunteer, contact Hellaina Rothenberg at 1-888-333-5515, ext. 276 or .
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