Small Business Week has something for all business owners

Small Business Week 2018, which runs from October 15-19, has something for every business owner with 10 events scheduled throughout Kawartha Lakes.
The week kicks off with Mental Health in the Workplace: The Impact on Your Business, hosted by our local Chambers of Commerce, and supported by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce and WSIB, at the Fenelon Falls Curling Club at 7:00pm on Monday.
On Tuesday, activities start at 10 am with Plan For Success: Top Tips for Starting Up an Online Store at the Lindsay Recreation Complex, hosted by the Kawartha Lakes Small Business & Entrepreneurship Centre. Then at 6 PM in the United Way Board Room, on Mary Street West in Lindsay, Age Friendly Kawartha Lakes will be presenting an opportunity to learn how to make your business “all age friendly”.
Wednesday, October 17 kicks off with the annual Small Business Week Breakfast at 7:00am at Celebrations, in Lindsay. Hosted by the Lindsay & District Chamber of Commerce, and featuring Dr. Brett Goodwin Ph.D., Dean/Principal at the School of Environmental and Natural Resources Sciences, Frost Campus Fleming College presenting “Fleming College: Connecting Frost Campus with Your Business Community.”
The always popular Employment Law Seminar begins at 5:30pm on Wednesday at
VCCS Employment Services’ offices in Lindsay. Mark Mason, Barrister & Solicitor, Hicks Morley will be covering topics including: ESA updates and Bill 148: What employers need to know, Liability Insurance vs. WSIB, are you protected?, navigating Ministry of Labour complaints and lawsuits, cannabis and vaping in the workplace, and termination with cause and without cause.
Also happening Wednesday evening in Bobcaygeon is the Small Business Event: Connect-Learn-Succeed, hosted by Impact 32 starting at 6:30pm. Enjoy an evening of learning and networking with fellow business owners, subject-matter-experts and the Impact 32 members at the Kawartha Coffee Company, on Bolton Street.
If understanding more on how to manage the risks and deploy the best practices in keeping your small business safe when it comes to the internet, is of value to your business, then you should attend Cyber Security and Small Business – What You Need to Know on Thursday, October 18 at 10am at the Lindsay Library. This event is also hosted by the Kawartha Lakes Small Business & Entrepreneurship Centre and is free of charge.
Thursday evening, the Bobcaygeon Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Small Business Week Social at Kawartha Coffee Company. It starts at 6:30 pm. Enjoy our local business guest speakers with light refreshments being provided.
Small Business Week wraps up on Friday, October 19th with Innovation Day, including a presentation at 10:30 am from the Business Development Bank, the BDC, entitled “Digitize Now – Transform Your Business”. The presentation is to help businesses understand the opportunities now available to them within advancing technologies. Then at noon the Innovation Day Luncheon hosted by the Lindsay Rotary Club and the Kawartha Lakes Community Futures Development Corporation will begin during which the KLCFDC will present the 20th Anniversary of their Small Business Innovation Awards. The wrap up will be a keynote address by MPP and Ontario Minister of Labour, Laurie Scott.
Everything takes place at the Lindsay Golf Club and there is a $20 charge to attend.
Finally on Friday evening at 6 PM at the Coboconk Train Station, the Coboconk, Norland & Area Chamber of Commerce presents Make More Money: Increase your sales by taking better photos for social media. No previous experience necessary just bring your phone, existing pictures and enthusiasm.
For more information, contact details and to register for any event visit here.