Sidewalks matter

I would like to know why a sidewalk has not been slated for the north side of Colborne Street West between Angeline Street and Charles Street in Lindsay, opposite Heritage Christian School.
Work seems to have been done on Colborne Street West, east of Angeline Street, and will probably continue in the spring of 2022 with the road being torn up and curbs repaired. But why not a north-side sidewalk while all this is being done?
Please don’t tell me, “It’s not in the budget,” because it is obviously silly to try to complete a project of this magnitude without including everything that is necessary.
Colborne Street West has sidewalks on both sides of the street, west from William Street to Angeline Street, then continuing west with a single sidewalk on the south side only, past St. Joseph Road to a driveway into Wilson Fields.
I bought my house on the north side of Colborne Street West in 1989 when it was only two years old and still reside there today.
Sidewalks and street rejuvenation have been promised through the years, and as one can see, the street is being redone and probably fixed where it doesn’t even need fixing, but still no sidewalk. For safety’s sake, we need a sidewalk on the north side of Colborne Street West.
–Donald Brown, Lindsay