Second Positive COVID-19 case confirmed in Kawartha Lakes

By Roderick Benns

Ross Memorial Hospital received confirmation of a second positive case of COVID-19 in the City of Kawartha Lakes following testing at the Hospital’s assessment centre. It is a female in her 70s, due to travel.

All established precautions were followed during assessment and testing, ensuring the continued safety of patients and the team.

Following testing, the individual was advised to self-isolate while awaiting test results.

This is on the heels of the first case from March 12 after a woman had symptoms after travelling to Germany. The woman had travelled on Air Canada flight 877 from Frankfurt, Germany to Toronto on March 10, 2020.

The patient was discharged home and remains in self-isolation with follow up from the HKPR District Health Unit. Health Unit nurses have been in contact with the woman and are working with her to identify anyone she may have been in contact with while ill.

If anyone who travelled on Air Canada flight 877 on that date develops flu-like symptoms, they are asked to call their local public health unit.

Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge Health Unit (HKPR) is monitoring the case and conducting follow-up with regard to contact management.

For more information, visit HKPR’s website:

Ross Memorial Hospital continues to work closely with the Ministry of Health, our regional and local health care partners including HKPR and local hospitals on a coordinated response.

The hospital has put in place several enhanced measures to limit the potential spread of COVID-19 in our community.

For more information about patient and visitor restrictions, and the RMH COVID-19 Assessment Centre, please visit

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