RMH Auxiliary perseveres through pandemic, returns with support for critical needs
When the pandemic reached our region in March, Ross Memorial Hospital (RMH) volunteers were asked to stay home, to protect themselves and others from transmission of COVID-19.
Although they missed seeing their hospital family, they were quick to do their part and looked forward to the day they could safely return to their hospital service supporting the RMH Team, patients and families.
This week the Auxiliary took an important step forward with the opening of the Reflections Café in the hospital’s main lobby. Reflections Gift Shop has re-opened for business. The volunteers have implemented new safety guidelines and are happy to be back at the Ross selling food, beverages and gift items with proceeds supporting the Auxiliary’s fundraising pledge to the RMH Foundation.
The pandemic delayed the presentation of the Auxiliary’s 2019/20 pledge payment, which usually takes place in June each year.
Recently, Auxiliary Vice President Anne Botond was joined by gift shop manager Shari Nash and café volunteer Carole Glass to present a cheque for $150,000 to Erin Coons, RMH Foundation CEO and Kelly Isfan, RMH president and CEO.
These funds (raised between April 1, 2019 and March 31, 2020) are earmarked for medical equipment needs including anaesthetic gas machines and arthroplasty (joint surgery) equipment used in the Ross Memorial’s operating suites.
“It is a pleasure to be able to present this much needed support for the acquisition of capital equipment at the Ross,” said Anne Botond. “The hospital’s equipment needs are not met through government funding. It is through donations that we keep our hospital well equipped and serving the community in an exemplary fashion. In addition to our fundraising efforts, we are glad to get back into the hospital to work in support of the patients, their families and our hospital’s frontline workers. We are and always will be part of the team!”
“The Ross Memorial’s volunteers are family, indispensable to the hospital team,” said Erin Coons. “We couldn’t be happier to see their phased return to their many volunteer services, and we’re overwhelmed by their dedication to patients’ exceptional care as shown through this generous contribution today. We send each and every Auxiliary member our sincere thanks.”