Return of the hall walkers

By Mike Puffer

Return of the hall walkers
Forget the cold; head for the halls.

Just because the changing seasons means that the weather can become challenging, local residents still have opportunities to take part in fitness programs that will help keep them healthy. The popular Walk in the Halls (Get WITH It!) program returns in November for a fifth year, and will be available free of charge twice weekly in Lindsay.

Walk in the Halls is a free, supervised, indoor walking program presented by the Community Care Health & Care Network and the City of Kawartha Lakes Family Health Team. The program is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-7 pm at Lindsay Collegiate Vocational Institute (LCVI) at 260 Kent St. W.

The program gives anyone interested in staying active during the winter months the chance to walk in a safe, warm setting. The sessions begin Nov. 7 and will run to the end of April (excluding school holidays).

The indoor walking program is an important element in giving local residents the chance for some low-impact exercise, says Jordan Prosper, health promoter with Community Care.

“Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in Canada, and walking is a beneficial way to stay active and can be done safely in the winter through the Get WITH It! program,” Jordan says.

“Our goal is to give the community a safe, warm and friendly place to walk during the winter months.”

The program has been well attended for the past four years. More than 450 different people have participated, walking more than 13,261,000 steps – the equivalent of walking from Lindsay to Calgary, Alberta and back.

No registration is required to participate. Walkers are asked to bring clean indoor walking shoes and to dress comfortably. Different routes through the school halls give people options for different distances and intensity. Supervisors are always on hand to assist or provide advice.

For further information about the Walk in the Halls program, contact Community Care Health Promoter Jordan Prosper at 705-324-7323 ext 301, or visit the Community Care website at


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