Researchers team up to explore basic income experiences

By Lindsay Advocate

Four researchers from four Ontario universities have teamed up to explore the experiences of participants in the (now cancelled) Ontario Basic Income Pilot (OBIP). The goal of this research is to add the voices of basic income pilot participants and their personal experiences with basic income to the public record, to continue to build the evidence to support a basic income social program.

The researchers are: Lorayne Robertson (Principal Investigator) of Ontario Tech University (), Tracy Smith Carrier of the University of Western Ontario (), Elaine Power of Queen’s University () and Joli Scheidler Benns of York University who were awarded a SHHRC Insight Grant to conduct the research.

Joli Scheidler-Benns, who is a member of the Basic Income Canada Network (and who serves in a Research, Strategy, and Development capacity with the Advocate), will be collecting the data. To participate or to find out more information, please contact her at .

The research includes a survey of Pilot participants and a limited number of open-ended, one-on-one, hour-long interviews. We would greatly appreciate the participation of OBIP participants and we ask that you contact a member of the research team if you are eligible to participate.

Participation is open to anyone who received Basic Income payments under the Ontario Basic Income Pilot. All participation is completely voluntary and responses will remain anonymous. Survey respondents are under no obligation to participate in an interview.

For access to the survey, please contact Joli Scheidler-Benns at .


  1. Jeffrey O'l oughlin says:

    Why are we being asked to do another survey? I know we needed to from time to time when the program was running. Personal information was already given to see if you qualified.

  2. Brenda g Hellendy says:

    I was on Bi for a year and a half and during that time I ate better and was able to get around better

  3. Brenda g Hellendy says:

    We need to get BI back now!

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