Ideas needed to “build back better” after COVID-19

By Lindsay Advocate

People's Economy Public Consultations

Do you have ideas on how our community can “build back better” in the wake of COVID-19?

The local residents’ campaign for a people’s economy is asking community members to share their insights at upcoming public consultations.

The consultations will take place on Oct. 22, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m, and Oct. 27, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m on Zoom.

Current ideas up for discussion include increasing use of community gardens, linking local residents and restaurants to local farms for direct order online and building a central community-share web-space for neighbourhood services, bartering, and sharing.

Ideas arising from both of these public consultations will be presented to the City of Kawartha Lakes Council.

“We have a unique moment to unleash our human potential and express our common values of equality, well-being and community in a way the planet can sustain. The time is now,” says Mike Perry, one of the organizers of the public consultations.

Email for more information or to register.

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