Political paths, political journeys

I enjoyed reading Roderick Benns’ “Political Confessions,” (Benns’ Belief, April edition.) I have always been curious about how people arrive at their views in life, and in particular, their political views.
Like Roderick, my parents influenced my earliest voting choices.
Dad was a Second World War veteran who suffered from post-war complications that made employment a challenge.
On more occasions than I like to admit, we depended upon church charity for money to buy food. The Liberal party offered the best support services, which my parents both appreciated.
My first vote was for Pierre Trudeau in 1972.
After graduating university in 1975, I worked in sales on salary plus commissions. My parents had taught me to work hard and to live within my means.
As I watched Liberal government budget deficits add steadily to public debt, I rejected politicians who spent tax dollars irresponsibly, especially after studying economics as part of an MBA program.
From 1981 to 2006, I voted for Conservatives and hoped that they would help us all to “live within our means,” but public spending and debt levels kept rising.
In 2007, I learned by happenstance that I was a Libertarian in my personal principles and values. I sought out the provincial party and began to read more books in economics and political theory. My Libertarian-Conservative convictions have deepened over the past 14 years.
Like Roderick, I share an interest in people, their prosperity and the health of our planet.
What I find particularly interesting is that our approaches to these matters are so very different.
Gene Balfour, Fenelon Falls