Peterborough vs Lindsay in bus transportation

By Lindsay Advocate

I have just checked how many GO buses run from Peterborough to Oshawa and then on to Toronto — 14 each day, which is 98 trips per week.

This is in contrast to three buses per week from Lindsay to Oshawa and Toronto (TOK bus line.) This is intolerable.

Ninety-eight vs three.

At least the daily service should be reinstated for Lindsay.

–Dr Michael Moreton, Lindsay


  1. Cindy Kramer says:

    I do not drive if I want to go out of town to go shopping, mainly because Lindsay doesn’t have some of the stores I shop at, I can only go on certain days and certain times. I’m not saying that Tik Tok is not a good service but when I was younger there used to be buses running all the time from Lindsay to Oshawa and Toronto. Are we being penalized because we choose to live in a small town rather than a bigger city? I think the people that run the bus service should all get together and have a little meeting and see if they can figure something out. I am sure that I am not the only person in Lindsay that does not drive or know someone who could give them a ride. Thanks.

  2. Debbie Waites says:

    Yes, daily service is the least we should be provided.

  3. Darryl Traynor says:

    That’s ridiculous, Motion to change my daughter now lives with me and took the go services frequently from Ptbo. You can get a bus from Beaverton. Lindsay really is so far out that we really are in but fuck idaho

  4. Scott Ledgerwood says:

    I agree maybe if there was more buses going there it would improve everything

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