Peterborough vs Lindsay in bus transportation
I have just checked how many GO buses run from Peterborough to Oshawa and then on to Toronto — 14 each day, which is 98 trips per week.
This is in contrast to three buses per week from Lindsay to Oshawa and Toronto (TOK bus line.) This is intolerable.
Ninety-eight vs three.
At least the daily service should be reinstated for Lindsay.
–Dr Michael Moreton, Lindsay
I do not drive if I want to go out of town to go shopping, mainly because Lindsay doesn’t have some of the stores I shop at, I can only go on certain days and certain times. I’m not saying that Tik Tok is not a good service but when I was younger there used to be buses running all the time from Lindsay to Oshawa and Toronto. Are we being penalized because we choose to live in a small town rather than a bigger city? I think the people that run the bus service should all get together and have a little meeting and see if they can figure something out. I am sure that I am not the only person in Lindsay that does not drive or know someone who could give them a ride. Thanks.
Yes, daily service is the least we should be provided.
That’s ridiculous, Motion to change my daughter now lives with me and took the go services frequently from Ptbo. You can get a bus from Beaverton. Lindsay really is so far out that we really are in but fuck idaho
I agree maybe if there was more buses going there it would improve everything