P.A. day nature camp with Kawartha Conservation

By Lindsay Advocate

The Friday, Feb. 1 Professional Activity (PA) Day for students is quickly approaching, and what better way to have your 4 to 8 year-old child get to learn, explore and enjoy the outdoors than with the Kawartha Conservation P.A. Day Nature Camp.

“Our Nature Day Camps are popular among young people and parents and caregivers,” explained Nancy Aspden, coordinator, environmental programs/GIS specialist. “It is a great way to foster continuous learning, experience the outdoors and make new friends.”

The P.A. Day Nature Day Camp is a camp being offered for children between the ages of 4 and 8 years of age and will focus on the winter season. Activities are both educational, fun, interactive and hands-on.

“Weather permitting, children will participate in a winter hike with snow shoes, as well as enjoy winter themed arts and crafts and learn about animal tracking,” said Ms. Aspden. “We see a lot of the same children returning for our camps throughout the year and the positive feedback from parents and caregivers lets us know we are providing valuable, much-enjoyed day-camp options for the community.”

The Feb. 1, P.A. Day Nature Camp will run from 8am-4:30pm and will be held at Ken Reid Conservation Area, located at 277 Kenrei Road just outside of Lindsay.

Cost for the one-day camp is $45 per child and includes a pizza lunch.

For more information, or to register your child or children, visit Kawartha Conservation online or contact Nancy Aspden at 705-328-2271 Ext. 218 or email .

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