Open house to be held at community garden, all welcome
The United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes is excited to welcome community members, stakeholders, and donors to their annual 2021-2022 campaign launch.
This year, the event is an open house at the Edwin Binney’s Community Garden, providing guests with an opportunity to see how much this project has grown. The open house is Sept. 17 from 10 am – 2 pm with an Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant announcement and honourable guests speaking at 10:30 am.
During the event, attendees will be able to tour the garden, visit with the agencies who receive funding/food, meet some of the partners in the Edwin Binney Community Garden project, find out where the food goes, learn about their curriculum-based education programming, learn more about experimental crops in the garden, and much more, according to a media release.
Since 1986, United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes has made an investment of $8,750,000 into allocations and community development initiatives in City of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County. As well, over 28,000 of pounds of fresh produce has been donated to food banks and organizations with food security programs in our jurisdiction since Edwin Binney’s Community Garden was launched in 2019.
Amrutha Nair, Sustainable Agriculture Co-Op Student, notes “My experience as a co-op student at Edwin Binney’s Community Garden has been invaluable in my career growth as it bridges the gap between my theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge in the field of sustainable agriculture. I am proud to be part of this organization and contributing a small part to the world movement of food sovereignty.”
The event will take place at Edwin Binney’s Community Garden, located on Crayola’s property at 15 Mary St. W., Lindsay. It is recommended that attendees wear closed toed shoes. COVID protocols will be in place and masks are mandatory. (Please bring your own mask or they will provide an alternative).
Admission is by donation and attendees are asked to RSVP to Shantal at by Sept. 16.