New water park to open at Boys and Girls Club

By Lindsay Advocate

The Boys and Girls Club of Kawartha Lakes broke ground on its water park recently, with construction of the park to begin in early May and scheduled to finish on time for the club’s summer camps, according to a press release.

The park is designed to accommodate members of the community of all ages and abilities. The play area will be open to the public during certain hours when it is not being used by Boys and Girls Clubs programs.

The cost of the project totals $300,000 in funding from the Lindsay Legacy CHEST fund, a capital grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation and a large donation from local business owner John Fox.

“We are incredibly grateful for the support of our funding partners,” said Amy Terrill, Executive Director of Boys and Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes. “The park we have designed will engage children from the youngest to the youngest at heart.”

Laurie Scott, MPP for Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock congratulated the organization on finding provincial funding for the water park. “I am pleased that this grant will help support their efforts to promote active and healthy lifestyles for local children and youth,” said Scott.

“Over the past several years, the Boys and Girls Club Foundation has worked tirelessly to raise critical funds to improve services, enhance programs and provide the necessary supports for children who need it most,” said Mayor Andy Letham, City of Kawartha Lakes. Mayor Letham went on to congratulate everyone involved in the initiative.

John Fox, franchise owner of Boston Pizza in Lindsay, also added his congratulations, saying “We’re sure the water park will get lots of use.”

*From left to right Boys and Girls Clubs Executive Director Amy Terrill, Councillor Pat O’Reilly, MPP Laurie Scott, Boston Pizza Franchisee John Fox and Boys and Girls Clubs Board President David Blackburn break ground on the new water park.


  1. Tricia Playfoot says:

    “I am pleased that this grant will help support their efforts to promote active and healthy lifestyles for local children and youth,” said Scott.

    This is the woman who was “helping” many “local children” eat healthy, have an active lifestyle, grow in a society without poverty and be able to dress appropriately with BI which later on she stated it was not sustainable, she’s likely more mystified that someone managed to whittle money out for a water park but wouldn’t say it unless she is told to say it by her boss. The time for fake sentiments from this MPP is done.

  2. Brenda Walton says:

    Yes Laurie is indeed the queen of ribbon cutting and ground breaking. She precided over the 15 percent cuts to the Trillium foundation. The very grant source she congratulated the Boys and Girls club for using.

  3. Lisa says:

    Yahoo This is such a needed activity in the hot summers for our communty children. Myself and my family born and raised in Lindsay always had the old out door pool which was soo awesome as a kid growing up here?.
    This water park will be sooo healthy for everyone a huge positive for Lindsay ?????? ?????

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