New charity to support Women’s Resources

By Lindsay Advocate

Greenwood Gives Charitable Foundation, founded in 2019, is dedicated to raising funds to support women in need. The vision of this charity is focused on supporting women where Greenwood Retirement Communities residences are located.

The retirement home sector is unique in its predominantly female population and its homes support a majority of female residents. They are led by many successful female leaders, and the sector offers opportunities for female managers and team members.

Adelaide Place in Lindsay has chosen to support Women’s Resources — an organization that helps abused women and their children get the help they need to lead lives free of abuse and violence.

Women’s Resources works hard to ensure positive, successful outcomes for women who turn to them for assistance. Services include a 24-hour emergency shelter and crisis line, short term affordable housing, and a range of counselling and resource options for women, youth and children. They provide the supports needed for women to make the transition from lives of fear and violence to a future of safety, security and stability.

While Women’s Resources is funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, there is always a shortfall and they are expected to fundraise $500,000 each year while promoting community support which helps them to maintain services for women leaving abusive situations. It is critical that they have the resources needed to continue responding to crisis calls and provide a safe haven and housing for women who are fleeing the violence and chaos which has become their reality.

Adelaide Place was honoured to present the first round of funds raised in the amount of $4,000 to Women’s Resources in December 2019 and the retirement home look forward to further developing its relationship with Women’s Resources to assist women and children in the community.

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