Making Fenelon Falls bigger is not what reader wants


By Lindsay Advocate

A reader is concerned about the peace and tranquility of Fenelon Falls being disrupted by a proposed housing and commercial development.

Re: Proposed Fenelon Falls housing and commercial development attracts huge crowd, online Advocate. The stupidity of this application shows how the people of the area aren’t considered in this matter. Fenelon Fall has a permanent population of around 2,500. During the summer months the town becomes overloaded by cottagers, making driving through town almost impossible. The development suggested would more than double the population on a yearly basis. Our town cannot, without major infrastructure improvements, sustain such an influx. It would require major modification to allow for added traffic, our sewage, schools, medical, shopping and numerous other services.

Making Fenelon Falls a bigger town is not what the residents voted for in their municipal government. Giving up our peace and tranquility shouldn’t be an option to the Council. Please stop this project now.

– George McNab, Fenelon Falls

1 Comment

  1. Diane Engelstad says:

    Doing things well is the answer, not hiding from development. We need housing, so lets build the mix of housing people need. We need a downtown that thrives on new entrepreneurs to maintain the kind of town we enjoy. We need improved and expanded infrastructure, so lets increase tax revenue by letting people move here. All this requires local vigilance and good ideas, yes. Anything else looks to me like a dying town. Who will be here when our older existing population is gone, and those who would have liked to move here have had to go elsewhere?

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