Logie Park mostly Canadian — except for the Texas-made climbing web

By Kirk Winter

A made-in-U.S.A. sticker on a brand new piece of playground equipment purchased by the city for Lindsay’s Logie Street Park led to a local citizen contacting the Advocate.

The reader was concerned that the city should be prioritizing local (or at least Canadian) purchasing during this difficult time.

Jenn Johnson, manager of parks, recreation and culture shared the following with the Advocate in an email regarding the purchase made from Kompan Inc. in Austin, Texas.

“Staff awarded the supply of playground equipment for Logie Street to a Canadian-based company,” Johnson said, “and the majority of the equipment installed at Logie Park is Canadian made.”

But one of the items that was manufactured outside Canada was the popular climbing web structure local kids have been enjoying, according to Johnson.

The city was looking for equipment with accessibility features that met AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act) requirements. No Canadian manufacturers made the kind of climber the city required.

“In an effort to create an inclusive play environment,” Johnson continued, “staff needed to supplement with other play structures/features. Though the majority of the neighbourhood and community parks in Kawartha Lakes have been serviced with Canadian product, in the case of this one structure at Logie Street we required an American supplier.”

1 Comment

  1. Wayne says:

    Some people really do have way too much time on their hands.

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