Local Green Party members to face off to see who will represent riding in election
The Advocate has learned that a nomination meeting will be necessary for the Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock Greens after two people stepped forward to represent the riding in the Sept. 20 election.
A nomination meeting is required when there is more than one candidate willing to represent a political party. The local Green’s nomination contest (where any card-carrying Green Party representative can vote) will be held next week.
Nomination contestant Angel Godsoe is one of the two Greens vying to be candidate. She campaigned in the last election two years ago for Elizabeth Fraser, who represented the party locally in 2019.
In a message to Green supporters she said the Green’s platform in 2019 “was well received, thanks to Elizabeth’s exceptional poise and debating skills.”
“When I witnessed the positive feedback from the public and even the camaraderie of the other candidates, I felt the Green’s time to have a strong presence in this county has come,” she added.
Godsoe served as a legislative page at Queens Park and told Green supporters she has “always been proud of our Canadian political system and feel strongly led to participate.”
A mother of nine children, Godsoe is a farmer and small business owner. She is interested in international affairs such as human rights and immigration and is also a proponent of electoral reform.
She also refers to herself as a “biblical scholar and believer.”
Mark Wilson is the other Green contesting the nomination. He and his partner Caroline are Kinmount based and enjoy camping, hiking, and fishing.
Wilson says in the release to area Greens that he has “both the technical expertise” and “hunger” to be the Green candidate for the upcoming election, although it isn’t clear from his message to supporters what his area of expertise is.
“The Green Party platform has never been more important to push,” he tells members. “If a candidate nomination needs to happen, vote for me, and let’s make an impact,” he adds.
The nomination meeting will be held Aug 24 at 7 p.m., via Zoom, for local Green members.