Local EQAO results: Grade 3 math, reading, writing improves; Grade 6 math drops again

By Roderick Benns

Local EQAO results: Grade 3 math, reading, writing improves; Grade 6 math drops again
Image courtesy of EQAO.

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is seeing advancement in Grade 3 reading, writing, and math, while still being challenged by Grade 6 math scores, according to just-released numbers.

The Education Quality and Assessment Office (EQAO) shows improvements in Grade 3 reading, writing, and math in comparison to 2016 data. Results across Grade 6 show progress in reading and writing, with an ongoing decline in Grade 6 math performance, as first reported by The Lindsay Advocate last month.

“We are thrilled with the results from our primary grades, especially Grade 3 math where we are above the provincial average,” says Director of Education, Larry Hope.

Teaching math: ‘We have lost sight of the need for balance’ says director of education“Our focused support for junior grade teachers will continue to help increase math content knowledge in a variety of ways.”

As Hope previously told The Lindsay Advocate, though, “We have not fared well in Grade 6 math and I am not happy about that.”

Results from EQAO released last month show that for the second year running only half of Grade 6 students are meeting the provincial math standard. In Trillium Lakelands, only 39 per cent are between 2015 and 2017. (See chart.)

The 2016-2017 school year saw the introduction of a renewed math strategy for the local board, which included a focus on students with special needs — particularly in Grade 6 math where there is room for improvement. The board will continue to focus on professional development in junior grades in math, and allow teachers to make classroom changes that are connected to student assessment information.

Secondary schools in the local board are currently participating in a new program that offers a fully-integrated approach to Grade 9 applied math, where the focus on math is across the entire school year, rather than only in one semester.

Seventy-nine per cent of Grade 9 academic level students achieved levels 3 and 4 in math. This is the first time both male and female academic students have achieved at the same level. Additionally, TLDSB students at the applied level achieved levels 3 and 4 higher than the provincial average.

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