Local businesses work around downtown reconstruction

The Enbridge natural gas pipeline replacement project is moving along as planned, with crews completing work along Kent Street, from Lindsay Street North to William Street, and continuing towards Victoria Avenue.
It’s not easy for local businesses in the downtown that are affected but most owners are taking it in stride.
Kate Wescott, the owner of Kate & Co. Home Accents is part of the city’s reconstruction committee and says that local business owners are working with the city to make the transition as smooth as possible.
“We would love people to take the steps to come see us.”
She also urges the public to contact Melissa McFarland at the BIA if they have any ideas to make shopping easier in affected areas.
Enbridge crews are on site, completing the north side of Kent first followed by the south side, from William Street down to Victoria Avenue. They will require various parking spaces along each side of the street in order to complete work in the most efficient way as possible.
Kent Street, from William to Victoria will remain open as Enbridge’s crews continue their project. Work from Enbridge is expected to be completed by the end of March.
The municipality will begin their work on Phase Two for the downtown Lindsay reconstruction this week. Kent Street will remain closed between Lindsay Street and William Street for the duration of the work, expecting to re-open mid-Summer 2020. All businesses will remain open and accessible, with pedestrian access being a priority to encourage people to continue to shop local.
Starting the week of February 17, Hard-Co, the municipality’s contractor, will be on site. Residents can expect to see machines arriving, additional fencing being placed and stock piles of gravel being delivered. They are anticipating breaking ground by the end of the week.
Carlie Arbour, economic development officer for Kawartha Lakes, says Lindsay Street North is part of phase two, but will begin after the portion of Kent Street has been completed. This all depends on the contractors operations.
“However we are aiming to have Kent Street completed by July 2020, meaning Lindsay Street will follow right after,” Arbour says, noting there may be some overlap – such as when work needs to be done in the intersection.
There have been some questions about whether York Street could temporarily change its direction to help local retailers.
Corby Purdy, supervisor, infrastructure design and construction for the city says the temporary modification of streets during construction “is up to the contractor on site, with the city’s approval of the final decision.”
Currently, York Street South has been reversed through Enbridge’s road operations permit. There is still discussion with the City’s contractor regarding modification needed for the downtown reconstruction project, says Purdy.
Make a deal with the local golf courses and have some golf carts available for hauling people and purchases. Extremely useful for the elderly and those who have mobility issues. The golf carts are not being used at this time of the year.