Lindsay Lions achieve ‘founder’ giving level with support for RMH

By Lindsay Advocate

For 66 years, the Lindsay Lions Club has been improving the health and wellness of people both local and abroad through their tireless philanthropic efforts.

On January 31, members of the Lindsay Lions Club made a special visit to the Ross Memorial Hospital to present a donation for the Comfort and Care Holiday Appeal. The Club presented a cheque for $3,300 to help the RMH Foundation to purchase new intravenous (IV) pumps with advanced safety software.

This gift is special for another reason: it brings the Lindsay Lions’ cumulative giving to the RMH Foundation to $100,000 and earns the Club ‘Founder’ status on the Donor Recognition Wall in the hospital’s main hallway.

“This hospital is so fortunate to have such generous partners in the community,” said Erin Coons, RMH Foundation CEO.

“The Lindsay Lions have lent their support to so many improvements at the Ross, from the building of the Dialysis Unit to equipment needs in the Palliative Care and Mental Health Units, and surgical equipment for the hospital’s Eye Surgery Suite. With this gift for new IV pumps, the Lindsay Lions mark a milestone in their service organization’s proud history of giving. The impact of their generosity will be felt for years to come.”

The Ross Memorial Hospital has an aging fleet of 170 IV pumps. The RMH Foundation is committed to helping the hospital replace and improve its fleet with new pumps that are equipped with the latest safety software.

Almost every admitted patient at RMH needs an IV pump to deliver medicine, fluids or nutrition. They’re needed every minute of every day.

**PHOTO: (Back row) Kelly Tamlin, Tom Loveland, Merilynne Golden, Rick Roddy, Faye McQuade, Mary Fryer, Linda Craig (Front row) Chris Miles (Lindsay Lions President), Erin Coons

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