KLSBEC upcoming business seminars
Marketing Strategies and Social Media Workshop
Presented by: Sandy Greenberg, Serial Entrepreneur and Established Business Coach
Businesses only thrive by understanding their customers and using marketing strategies to meet their needs. Today’s consumers are overwhelmed by promotional ‘noise’ (in both on and off-line environments), so it’s essential that your message is the one that ‘cuts through’.
Tuesday, November 12th – 5:00PM to 7:30PM – Lindsay Library – Lower Level – Ticket: $10.00
Canada Revenue Agency: Tax Seminar for Small Business
Presented by: Liaison Officer Service, Canada Revenue Agency
CRA offers free in-person support and guidance to owners of small businesses and self-employed individuals who need help in understanding their tax obligations. Learn how to avoid common errors that could end up costing time and money.
Monday, November 25th – 1:00PM to 3:30PM – Lindsay Library – Lower Level – Ticket: FREE
Effective Sales and Creating a Positive Customer Experience
Presented by: Sandy Greenberg, Serial Entrepreneur and Established Business Coach
If you can’t project future sales or define exactly what’s converting your leads, it’s time to take a hard look at your sales process and create a pipeline of success. Customer Retention is a process developed to create value for a customer to encourage them to return.