Kawartha Lakes unveils new strategy to improve way of doing business
During the May 7 Committee of the Whole, Kawartha Lakes staff unveiled a new strategy to Council to improve the municipality’s way of doing business. The strategy, which was developed by the Office of Strategy Management (OSM), focuses on maximizing resources and investing in service and operations. The strategy also focuses on continuously improving our processes in order to focus on customer needs.
“‘Even Better’ is our vision for the OSM strategy,” shares Brenda Stonehouse, Strategy and Performance Specialist. “Through this Strategic Plan, we want to create a culture that is focused on excellence in our municipality.”
The OSM Strategy has three distinct components: Make It Better, Effective People and Corporate Strategy. Kawartha Lakes asks how we can “make it better” through exploring ways the municipality can maximize time, talent and resources in all processes.
The Effective People component works towards ensuring that all employees have the tools they need to be effective, through offering the opportunity for coaching, training, mentoring and more.
The final component, Corporate Strategy, defines the priorities, objectives and actions outlined by Council which allows for the execution of the Strategic Plan.
Throughout all of these components, the OSM Strategic Plan outlines clear objectives and action items which will allow for better service delivery, more engaged employees and efficient execution of strategies. Some action items include reviewing process efficiency, developing a Corporate Progress Report and providing networking opportunities for employees to share best practices and ideas.
The Office of Strategy Management is a division of the Chief Administrative Office (CAO) that provides coordination for the development and execution of the municipality’s Strategic Plan. OSM provides expertise in process improvements, data analysis and project management. This Strategic Plan provides the framework to guide the ongoing work of OSM.
Read the full Office of Strategy Management Strategic Plan.
This all sounds somewhat logical….the question that arises is what was being done before? It is kind of scary that this strategy was never utilized before.
Consulting fees put on the taxpayer is what I see here, that’s it! Just another fraud brought to you by the dependants who ring every cent out of you they can, while trying to regulate resources that arent theirs to regulate and control every aspect of your life!