Jo Anne’s Place in Lindsay moves to new location at Whitney Town Centre

After much searching, Jo Anne’s Place in Lindsay has a new home.
On May 9 they said goodbye to their existing store and hello to a brand new location in the Whitney Town Centre at 370 Kent St. W.
“We look forward to welcoming everyone to the new store,” says Rebecca Kerrivan, the Lindsay store manager.
The new location offers customers a more convenient location with lots of free parking and great street visibility.
The family business has deep roots in Lindsay. Forty-eight years ago, founder Jo Anne Fallaise, started Jo Anne’s Place from her home in Lindsay when she saw a need for natural products among her family. As demand grew, she moved the business to retail spaces in Lindsay and Peterborough.
“From the very beginning, we have welcomed, supported, and educated so many customers,” says Kerrivan. “Customers who have become friends and have trusted us to support their children and grandchildren.”
As Lindsay has grown over the last four decades, the business is proud to grow alongside the town.
“Our owners Margo, Jo Anne’s daughter, and her husband, Paul are excited to re-invest in our roots and serve you better than ever before in our new space.”
Join in on the fun to celebrate the new store location with a grand opening on May 25.
“We’re busy planning a day full of exclusive sales, food and drinks, giveaways, and more.” More details will be announced as the day approaches.
Follow them on social media and sign up for their newsletter to stay up to date on everything happening at Jo Anne’s Place.
There’s this amazing store with super friendly and knowledgeable staff. You can find a ton of natural and organic stuff there, like fresh organic veggies, oils, etc