Hospitals, paramedics, primary care, public health units working together in wake of COVID-19

By Lindsay Advocate

As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, health partners in Haliburton, Kawartha Lakes, Northumberland and
Peterborough City and County are working together proactively to encourage safe practices to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

If you have fever and/or cough, have travelled to one of the affected countries in the past 14 days or have had close or confirmed contact with a probable case, self-isolate at home, do not go to the Emergency Department. Contact your local Public Health Unit or Telehealth Ontario for additional direction:

• HKPR District Health Unit – 1-866-888-4577 ext. 5020
• Peterborough Public Health – 705-743-1000 ext. 401
• Telehealth Ontario – 1-866-797-0000

All residents of the region are asked to:

• Avoid going to hospital or other healthcare settings for nonessential reasons. This includes visitors as well as patients with elective (non-urgent) appointments or procedures. Some hospitals have started screening visitors for illness and travel history at all public entrances; others have plans to begin this practice soon. If you need to go to a healthcare environment for investigation of respiratory symptoms, wear a disposable face mask as prompted.

• Follow the recommended rules of social distancing to avoid close contact with others who may be sick. Avoid crowds, gatherings and events and maintain a two-metre distance between people in public environments. Today, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health recommended an immediate suspension of gatherings of more than 250 people. The Canadian government has also advised Canadians to avoid non-essential travel outside of Canada.
• Clean your hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub, and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Hands should be cleaned for at least 15-20 seconds. Cover coughs and sneezes with your elbow, and throw used tissues in the garbage.

• Clean frequently-touched areas in your home environment, including toilets, bedside tables, light switches, door handles and personal devices such as phones and tablets.

• Contact your local public health unit or Telehealth Ontario if you have concerns about COVID-19. As cases of COVID-19 are confirmed in the region, this information will be shared with the public in partnership with local public health and the provincial government’s daily reporting updates.

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