Have your say: City’s strategic plan for next 4 years

By Lindsay Advocate

Farm country, Canadian Shield…anything but “cottage country”

At the December 10 Council meeting, Council was presented with a draft of the new Strategic Plan 2020-2023.

Brenda Stonehouse, Strategy and Performance Specialist and Lean Master Black Belt, noted that the draft has been a collaborative effort over the last several months between Council, staff and the community. It’s now time for stakeholders to have a last word on what has come together before a final plan is presented in January.

The vision for Kawartha Lakes over the next four years is: To nurture and grow our vibrant communities in a thriving and natural environment.

“Our Strategic Plan is a community plan, carried out by the municipality and our core partners. It sets the vision in terms of the key priorities Council wishes to accomplish between now and 2023, alongside providing core municipal services. It’s been an inclusive process to date, and we’re looking forward to receiving more feedback on the draft,” commented Ron Taylor, CAO.

Find a copy of the draft plan and provide feedback on Jump In, Kawartha Lakes (www.jumpinkawarthalakes.ca) before January 6, 2020. The municipality launched Jump In earlier this year as a forum for the community to become aware, informed and engaged in a variety of municipal projects, the first of which was the Strategic Plan.

Download a copy of the draft Plan on the municipal website.

1 Comment

  1. Janet says:

    Industry and jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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