Funding opens doors for Lindsay Transit
Over the last year, Lindsay Transit has received a boost through funding at both federal and provincial levels. With the funds provided, through the Public Transit Infrastructure Fund (PTIF) of $229,145 combined with the Gas Tax Fund (Gas Tax) of $229,145, Lindsay Transit has been able to enhance accessibility and convenience for residents and commuters.
“Municipalities have until 2025 to make transit services completely accessible,” explained Todd Bryant, manager of Fleet and Transit. “Lindsay Transit is now 99% accessible and we are committed to becoming 100% accessible far ahead of schedule.”
To date with the funding provided, the following projects have been completed:
* New cement pads have been installed at Lindsay Transit stops that meet Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) standards.
* A new scheduling program has been implemented for Lindsay Mobility that has enhanced appointment scheduling and communication with drivers regarding next calls, destinations and arrival times. The new software reduces driving time, saving fuel and reducing emissions.
* The Lindsay Transit Hub was relocated, rebuilt and updated to include features such as a digital display sign indicating the arrivals of buses, a token machine and improved security features to ensure safety for those waiting.
* New transit shelters have been installed that are accessible and environmentally friendly, using renewable energy to power lights through solar panels. The new shelters also provide the opportunity for third party advertising that results in additional revenue for Lindsay Transit.
“Our goal is to provide a transit service plan that meets public transit needs in a financially responsible way,” says Bryant. “Without the funding received on both provincial and federal levels, these projects would not have been possible over the last year. Lindsay Transit riders have noted the improvements made so far and have been providing positive feedback to our drivers.”
The city recognizes the federal and provincial Government for their assistance to fund the four transit projects highlighted above. The PTIF and Gas Tax have been a tremendous help to Lindsay Transit and continue to help in meeting the municipality’s schedule of becoming 100 per cent accessible.