Free rural bus rides to the LEX

By Lindsay Advocate

The 165 year old Lindsay Exhibition has a new rural bus service running this year to the LEX with White Lightning Bus Tours of Kawartha Lakes. The Bus will be provide free pick-up and return of passengers from rural communities on Saturday Sept, 21, 10 am to 6 pm and Sun 22 11 am to 10 pm so that rural families can get a ride to the
Routes will include Pick-Up Points in Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls, Omemee, Little Britain, Oakwood, Woodville, Cameron, Dunsford and Lindsay.
Please Visit the LEX website at and for the bus schedule at which will be posted Sept. 12 or call 1-800-979-2913.
This service is sponsored by Lindsay Exhibition, Miskin Law and White Lightning Bus Tours, the same company that provides the rural shopping bus free each Tuesday in Kawartha Lakes.
For more information contact Michael Bryant at White Lightning Bus Tours at 1-800-979-2913

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