Former BOB FM morning show team moves to seek damages from Bell Media

By Roderick Benns

Former BOB FM morning show team moves to seek damages from Bell Media
Jason Ward of Wards Lawyers, Lindsay.

Dave Illman and Julie Corlett are seeking damages against Bell Media for their “wrongful dismissal,” according to their lawyer, Jason Ward.

Saying this was “not a ‘lay off,’” Ward. of Wards Lawyers in Lindsay, says in an email interview that both Dave and Julie were terminated by Bell Media.

“They allege, among other things, their terminations were abrupt, without proper notice and, therefore, wrongful. They were asked to leave BOB FM on the same day they were unfairly dismissed,” Ward notes.

Ward says both Illman and Corlett were “shocked by their sudden and entirely unexpected terminations.”

The Advocate first broke the story about Illman and Corlett on Nov. 14. Illman has been at the station for 29.5 years, and on the morning show with Corlett for about 11 of those years. He says he believes Corlett has been at the station for about 20 years.

“At this time, neither (Illman or Corlett) seek reinstatement to their former positions at BOB FM,” says Ward.

Instead, they “seek damages against Bell Media arising from their wrongful dismissal, respectively, including entitlement to fair and reasonable pay in lieu of notice and other financial compensation.”

Ward says they have invited Bell Media to engage in constructive negotiation and hope they will choose that route.

“If that cannot be achieved in a timely manner, each will consider commencing a lawsuit against Bell Media seeking damages arising from their improper termination, including reimbursement of legal expenses,” explains Ward.

Ward says both Illman and Corlett have contributed substantially and tirelessly to many causes in the community, above and beyond their expected employment duties.

They are both overwhelmed and dismayed “by Bell Media’s decision and both thank the community for its outpouring of strong support and positive encouragement,” says Ward.

1 Comment

  1. Pete says:

    I stopped dealing with bell years ago. I stopped listening to bob FM to protest bells greed.

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